“The Hunting Public”

“The Hunting Public”

The Hunting Public

The Hunt­ing Pub­lic is an online video series show­cas­ing tips and strate­gies for hunters. Offer­ing dai­ly video jour­nals, how-to tip videos, and pod­casts to help teach the view­er sit­u­a­tion­al tac­tics they can apply to their hunts through­out the country.

They’re nor­mal guys that love to hunt and share their pas­sion for the out­doors with oth­ers.  They grew up hunt­ing pub­lic land and small prop­er­ties for any­thing from small game to turkeys and white­tails. They say their best mem­o­ries revolve around the social aspects of hunt­ing and that’s some­thing they want to share with their online view­ers.  Whether that’s stand­ing around a camp­fire after a suc­cess­ful hunt or rem­i­nisc­ing about past adven­tures with their bud­dies.  For them, it’s about hav­ing fun and cre­at­ing great mem­o­ries with friends and fam­i­ly!     

The Hunt­ing Public’s core mis­sion is to cre­ate a com­mu­ni­ty of hunters that can inter­act and learn togeth­er as a group. Video jour­nals and pod­casts cre­ate a plat­form that allows them to teach, learn, and inter­act with oth­er hunters.  They cov­er every­thing from advanced white­tail tac­tics to unique hunt­ing sit­u­a­tions.  Through their hunts on pub­lic land and small pri­vate­ly owned prop­er­ties we cre­ate con­tent that is relat­able and appeals to all hunters.
