Bret Amundson

Bret Amundson

Meet Bret Amundson, host of Sporting Journal Radio and Prairie Sportsman TV, from 11am to 1pm on Saturday.

Bret “T‑Bone” Amund­son is the Emmy-nom­i­nat­ed host of Prairie Sports­man TV, broad­cast­ing to Min­neso­ta, North Dako­ta, Wis­con­sin, South Dako­ta and Iowa, and Sport­ing Jour­nal Radio, heard on 28 sta­tions across the midwest.

He is also a free­lance writer, pho­tog­ra­ph­er and voice-over artist. In the fall and spring he guides water­fowl hunts with Mid Migra­tion Outfitters.

Before Prairie Sports­man, he host­ed North­land Out­doors TV on Fox Sports North and pro­vid­ed sto­ries and pho­tos for North­land Out­doors Magazine.

He’s also been the sig­na­ture voice over for Jason Mitchel­l’s “Pas­sion For the Hunt”, and Elite Archery’s “Respect The Game” shows, while also pro­vid­ing voice overs for the Min­neso­ta Twins, Best Buy and more.

His radio career spans two decades and includes sta­tions in Min­neapo­lis, Far­go and more after receiv­ing a schol­ar­ship to attend Brown Institute.

He is also a free­lance pho­tog­ra­ph­er and has had his work pub­lished in numer­ous mag­a­zines and news­pa­pers, while his videog­ra­phy cred­its include videos for out­fit­ters and guides across North Amer­i­ca pro­mot­ing their services.