Melissa Bachman

Melissa Bachman

Winchester Deadly Passion TV - All 3 Days!

Winchester Deadly Passion

Melis­sa Bach­man is an accom­plished hunter who thrives on shar­ing her love for the great out­doors and all things wild with her pas­sion­ate fans and view­ers. Grow­ing up in cen­tral Min­neso­ta, Bach­man immersed her­self in an out­doors lifestyle filled with fish­ing and hunt­ing options. Decid­ing which tree­stand to hunt (or maybe chas­ing snow geese) before school were just some of the choic­es she made as a young woman.

Sur­round­ed by a fam­i­ly filled with love and men­tors galore, Bach­man pur­sued her aca­d­e­m­ic life with the very same tenac­i­ty she approached in her pas­sion for hunt­ing. After grad­u­at­ing with hon­ors and armed with a degree in tele­vi­sion broad­cast­ing, and anoth­er in Span­ish, from St. Cloud State Uni­ver­si­ty, Melis­sa set her sights on a career in out­door tele­vi­sion. She began as a TV intern, and with­in months was offered a posi­tion as a full-time pro­duc­er where she trav­eled the coun­try film­ing, pro­duc­ing, and writ­ing shows with a vari­ety of incred­i­ble hunters on some fan­tas­tic adventures.

Although close to her dream job, Bach­man tru­ly longed to be the one out­wit­ting her prey and squeez­ing the trig­ger. So she spent every spare moment of her free time ardu­ous­ly film­ing and edit­ing her own hunts. Final­ly, with time, patience and per­sis­tence, Melis­sa got some sol­id shows into the right hands and her wish became real­i­ty. Now she spends near­ly 250 days a year afield hunt­ing the globe and pro­duc­ing her series, Win­ches­ter Dead­ly Pas­sion, a top-notch, adren­a­line-pump­ing hunt­ing show pro­gram now in its fifth season.

Lis­ten to Rob Drieslein’s inter­view with Melis­sa Bachman.