Whitetail Properties Land Specialists

Whitetail Properties Land Specialists

Buying and Selling
Hunting Land 101

White­tail Prop­er­ties Real Estate LLC is not your aver­age real estate com­pa­ny. The com­pa­ny was cre­at­ed for the sole pur­pose of bring­ing togeth­er buy­ers and sell­ers of land and coun­try homes. The White­tail Prop­er­ties team cov­ers more than 41 states and is made up of many of the finest land man­agers and mar­ket ana­lysts in the rur­al real estate indus­try. They call their agents “land spe­cial­ists” and they are just like you. They love to hunt. They love the land.

In the last 2 years, the White­tail Prop­er­ties Min­neso­ta team of Land and Home Spe­cial­ists has com­plet­ed over 500 land sales trans­ac­tions, com­pris­ing 38,000 acres and total­ing over $250 mil­lion. They aver­age a prop­er­ty sold in Min­neso­ta every 30 hours. In 2023 White­tail Prop­er­ties’ sales exceed­ed $3.1 Bil­lion com­pa­ny wide. White­tail Prop­er­ties Land Spe­cial­ists chal­lenge the sta­tus quo through their unri­valed pas­sion for land, their unmatched qual­i­fi­ca­tion in the rur­al real estate busi­ness, and by hold­ing them­selves to the high­est stan­dard pos­si­ble. They under­stand that buy­ing or sell­ing a piece of land is most like­ly the largest finan­cial trans­ac­tion you will make in your life.

Those qual­i­fi­ca­tions include the com­ple­tion of the NDA Deer Stew­ard Lev­el 1 & 2 cours­es, giv­ing them a vast knowl­edge of wildlife and habi­tat man­age­ment prac­tices. They have helped clients all through­out Min­neso­ta in putting these prac­tices to use on their prop­er­ty to improve white­tail habi­tat. With­in the Min­neso­ta team are also Accred­it­ed Land Con­sul­tants who have com­plet­ed over 100 hours of course­work through the Real­tors Land Institute.

The Min­neso­ta team of White­tail Prop­er­ties Land Spe­cial­ists look for­ward to shar­ing their exten­sive knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence with you dur­ing “Buy­ing and Sell­ing Hunt­ing Land 101.”