Show Promoter Eric Meyer is very passionate about the tradition of hunting, he took this 8 point on a hunt near his home in Minnesota.


A Show for the Hunt­ing Crowd!
By Eric Mey­er Show Promoter

The Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic held annu­al­ly at Can­ter­bury Park in Shakopee is a gath­er­ing of hunters cel­e­brat­ing the tra­di­tion of hunt­ing in Min­neso­ta. The Clas­sic focus­es on show­cas­ing the suc­cess­es in the field by the Min­neso­ta hunter.  This is a chance to show fel­low hunters your tro­phy and pos­si­bly win some nice prizes and rib­bons for the top fin­ish­ers.  This past March we had over 260 antler entries brought in for mea­sur­ing by the Min­neso­ta Offi­cial Mea­sur­ers; they are vol­un­teers with a pas­sion for scor­ing these tro­phies which can be entered into the Min­neso­ta Record book.

There are 40 scor­ing divi­sions with the top three fin­ish­ers win­ning a rib­bon and the first place win­ner receiv­ing a prize. There is also a draw­ing on Sun­day for those hunters will­ing to leave their tro­phy on dis­play for the entire week­end. The impres­sive Tro­phy Wall was full dur­ing the 2024 event. All tro­phies are guard­ed by Canterbury’s secu­ri­ty detail along with secu­ri­ty cam­eras cov­er­ing the entire area.

The show has many fea­tures and attrac­tions includ­ing the Wild Trails Kids Zone spon­sored by the Min­neso­ta Deer Hunters Asso­ci­a­tion and include: Kids Archery Range, Rub­ber Band Shoot, Trout Fish­ing and a dis­play of live Hawks & Fal­cons. The MN Chap­ter of the Nation­al Wild Turkey Fed­er­a­tion has a BB gun shoot super­vised by trained instruc­tors; the first 30 kids to their booth each day will receive a slate call.

Our celebri­ty line­up will be at the show to meet and greet with atten­dees. We have a full line of sem­i­nars cov­er­ing many top­ics that will improve your hunt­ing suc­cess.  Don and Kan­di Kisky, hosts of Real­tree’s White­tail Freaks TV, will be head­lin­ing the event and will be at the Clas­sic for a meet & greet on Sat­ur­day only at the Wildlife Research Cen­ter booth.. Melis­sa Bach­man of Win­ches­ter Dead­ly Pas­sions TV is back all three days. Daniel Schmidt, host of Deer & Deer Hunt­ing TV, will be bring­ing years of hunt­ing knowl­edge to the event all 3 days.

Oth­er fea­tures include the Min­neso­ta Leg­ends Wall which is a large dis­play of Record Bucks tak­en over the years in MN includ­ing the State Record Typ­i­cal and Non-Typ­i­cal bucks, this wall is a sight to see!

The show has grown to 180 exhibits over 2 floors at Can­ter­bury Park with most of them from the hunt­ing indus­try along with qual­i­ty out­fit­ters.  The venue is easy to get to, locat­ed right off Inter­state 169 and there is a great line­up of hotel accom­mo­da­tions locat­ed on the frontage road adja­cent to the venue if you are in need of overnight accommodations.

Plan to attend the show March 14–16, 2025!