Hotel Options for the 2025 Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic (at Can­ter­bury Park Expo Cen­ter locat­ed at 1100 Can­ter­bury Road South, Shakopee, MN 55379) Check back for updat­ed dis­counts. Call to book for ear­ly dis­count rates listed.

Hol­i­day Inn Express & Suites Min­neapo­lis-SW Shakopee
4550 12th Avenue East
Shakopee, MN 55379
952–445-2244 or 1–800-HOLIDAY
(Ask for the Deer & Turkey Clas­sic Block Rate)

Click HERE to book online.
Locat­ed 1 mile from event. Includes com­pli­men­ta­ry break­fast. Facil­i­ty has pool/ hot tub.

Min­neso­ta Deer and Turkey Clas­sic Spe­cial Rate:
$119 (Plus tax) Stan­dard King or Dou­ble Queen
$129 (Plus tax) Suite King or Dou­ble Queen with sofa sleeper

Last day to book: Feb­ru­ary 28, 2025


Fair­field Inn and Suites/ Mar­riot
4600 12th Avenue East
Shakopee, MN 55379
Phone 612–248‑1685
Recent­ly opened hotel fea­tur­ing Free Break­fast, Pool & Fit­ness Cen­ter
Locat­ed Approx­i­mate­ly 1 mile from Can­ter­bury Park

Min­neso­ta Deer and Turkey Clas­sic Spe­cial Rate:
Your code for 20% off dur­ing the MN Deer & Turkey Clas­sic is : E6169                                                      Guests can enter this code into our pro­mo code sec­tion and 20% off will be applied to their stay.



3912 12th Avenue East
Shakopee, MN 55379


Click HERE to book

Min­neso­ta Deer and Turkey Clas­sic Exhibitor Spe­cial Rate (Must men­tion the word “TROPHY” (Min­neso­ta Deer and Turkey Clas­sic) when book­ing for the dis­count rate to be applied!)
$79 – Sin­gle Queen
$89 – Dou­ble Queen
Brand new prop­er­ty opened Feb­ru­ary 2020. Extend­ed stay rooms offer kitchen with My Kitchen con­fig­u­ra­tions includ­ing a full sized refrig­er­a­tor, two-burn­er cook­top and a microwave. Vis­it the My Store on site stocked with a vari­ety of food & bev­er­ages, as well as cook­ware and uten­sils. Min­i­mal cost pre-pack­aged break­fast can be deliv­ered to your refrig­er­a­tor the pre­vi­ous day.
Locat­ed less than 1 mile from event. 

San­dal­wood Stu­dios & Suites

3910 12th Avenue East
Shakopee, MN 55379

Min­neso­ta Deer and Turkey Clas­sic Spe­cial Rate:
$79 (plus tax) 1‑bed
$89 (plus tax) 2‑bed
$89 (plus tax) 1‑bed with sofa
$99 (plus tax) King with sofa
$109 (plus tax) Dou­ble Deluxe Suite 2‑bed with sofa
Locat­ed less than 1 mile from event. Rooms with kitchenettes 

Hamp­ton Inn Minneapolis/ Shakopee
4175 Dean Lakes Blvd.
Shakopee, MN 55379
Locat­ed 1.3 miles from event.

AmericInn by Wyn­d­ham Shakopee
4100 12th Avenue East
Shakopee, MN 55379
Locat­ed less than 1 mile from event


Coun­try Inn & Suites Shakopee
1204 Ram­sey Street
Shakopee, MN 55379
Locat­ed approx. 2 miles from event.


Super 8 by Wyn­d­ham Shakopee
581 South Marschall Road
Shakopee, MN 55379
Locat­ed approx. 2 miles from event. 


Best West­ern Shakopee Inn
511 S Marschall Road
Shakopee, MN 55379
Locat­ed 1.3 miles from event.


Bay­mont by Wyndham

1244 Can­ter­bury Road South
Shakopee, MN 55379
Email: info@
Locat­ed less than 1 mile from event. Com­pli­men­ta­ry break­fast, free WiFi, and an on-site restau­rant and bar.

Mys­tic Lake Casi­no Hotel
2400 Mys­tic Lake Blvd. NW
Pri­or Lake, MN 55372
Locat­ed 12 miles from event.


 Trav­el Lodge by Wyn­dam Val­ley­Fair Shakopee
1251 East First Avenue
Shakopee, MN 55379
Phone 61952–466-6572
Approx­i­mate­ly 2 miles from Can­ter­bury Park

Val­ley Inn Shakopee
1181 1st Avenue East
Shakopee, MN 55379
Phone 952–445-9120
Locat­ed approx. 2 miles from Can­ter­bury Park

Check back for updates!

Want to check Tri­pAd­vi­sor options for hotels near the 2025 Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic at Can­ter­bury Park Shakopee Min­neso­ta? Click here