Antler Scoring Special Promo

Back for 2025: Bring your antlers in for display during the whole weekend and you’ll be entered to win!  Scroll down for more details.



Must bring your antlers in for scor­ing on Fri­day or Sat­ur­day and leave them on dis­play until 1pm Sun­day, March 16, 2025, to be eli­gi­ble for a spe­cial promotion.

• When will win­ners be announced? Tick­et draw­ing for par­tic­i­pants leav­ing their rack on dis­play through Sun­day, March 16, 2025 and will be held at 1 p.m. on Sun­day, March 16, 2025. Win­ners will be announced at 1:00 at Stage B on the sec­ond lev­el. Prizes and rib­bons must be picked up there. Must be present to win!

• How does it work? Atten­dees inter­est­ed in bring­ing their (Min­neso­ta-har­vest­ed) big-game antlers or bear skulls to the 2025 Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic should bring them to the event on Fri­day, March 14, 2025, or Sat­ur­day, March 15, 2025 and must leave them on dis­play until 1 p.m. on Sun­day, March 16, 2025.
Scor­ing to be con­duct­ed by the Min­neso­ta Offi­cial Mea­sur­ers (M.O.M.).
Scor­ing opens at 10 a.m. on Fri­day. (Note: Antler reg­is­tra­tion will end at 10:00 a.m. on Sun­day — no exceptions!)

This pro­mo­tion is in addi­tion to the gen­er­al scor­ing cat­e­go­ry win­ners. Rib­bons will be award­ed to top three fin­ish­ers in each cat­e­go­ry. Rib­bons must be picked up on Sun­day, March 16, 2025 at Stage B.

• Where do I enter the build­ing with my tro­phy?  Look for signs when you arrive at the show. For tro­phy reg­is­tra­tion, you will need to enter Can­ter­bury on the SW side of the build­ing at the valet park­ing, pull up and unload tro­phy, pro­ceed to the esca­la­tor and go direct­ly to the scor­ing office desk. Antlers in this pro­mo­tion can be picked up after 1 p.m. on Sun­day, March 16, 2025.

• What are the tick­et options for atten­dees with trophies/ cost for scor­ing? If the own­er of a tro­phy rack intends to dis­play the antlers or bear skull for the dura­tion of the three-day show, they can pur­chase a 3‑day Admis­sion Pass for $20, which includes one *entry tick­et in the spe­cial draw­ing and one free antler scoring.
You can also pur­chase a 2 Day Saturday/ Sun­day Admis­sion Pass — $20 ‑Includes one *entry tick­et in the spe­cial draw­ing and one tro­phy mea­sured by M.O.M.
Also avail­able: 1 Day Admis­sion Pass -$15 — Includes one tro­phy measured
**Even though you can bring mul­ti­ple racks for scor­ing at the event, there is a lim­it of one entry tick­et into the spe­cial draw­ing con­test pro­mo­tion per indi­vid­ual. (Note: All entries are still eli­gi­ble for rib­bons in the main scor­ing con­test.)

Addi­tion­al tro­phies can be mea­sured for $5 each.

Note that these spe­cial scoring/ admis­sion pass­es are only avail­able for pur­chase through the antler reg­is­tra­tion desk at the Deer Clas­sic and not through the main tick­et office. No dis­count coupons apply to these spe­cial offers.

Antler reg­is­tra­tion will end at 10:00 a.m. on Sun­day — no exceptions.

Antlers in this pro­mo­tion will be eli­gi­ble to pick up after 1 p.m. on Sun­day, March 16, 2025.

Are their require­ments or restric­tions? You must be present to win. The deer antlers must have a min­i­mum gross score of 140. Shed white­tail antlers are eli­gi­ble for draw­ing.  All Min­neso­ta moose and elk antlers, along with bears skulls are eli­gi­ble. Antler and skull entries must be from Min­neso­ta. No high fence ani­mals accepted.

Will my rack be secure? Atten­dees inter­est­ed in bring­ing their big-game tro­phy antlers or bear skulls to the Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic should rest easy know­ing that those prized pos­ses­sions will be in good hands. There will be a secu­ri­ty guard on duty 24 hours guard­ing the tro­phy walls.

Can I still bring my rack for scor­ing even if I don’t leave it all three days of the show? You can have your rack scored and still be eli­gi­ble for a rib­bon. Rib­bons must be picked up on Sun­day, March 16 at Stage B.