Daniel Schmidt

Daniel Schmidt

Editor in Chief & TV Host
Appearing all 3 days!

Daniel Schmidt is a white­tail fanat­ic from Wis­con­sin who has worked for Deer & Deer Hunt­ing for 30 years. He is edi­tor-in-chief of the mag­a­zine, host of the TV show on Pur­suit Chan­nel and host of the pop­u­lar Deer Talk Now pod­cast. The D&DH plat­form reach­es more than 6 mil­lion hard­core white­tail hunters. After work­ing car­pen­try with his father, Daniel earned a jour­nal­ism degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin-Oshkosh in 1991 and spent sev­er­al years in the news­pa­per busi­ness where he wrote an award-win­ning out­doors col­umn for 11 south­east Wis­con­sin news­pa­pers. He worked briefly for Blade Mag­a­zine in 1994 before join­ing the D&DH staff full time. Schmidt has hunt­ed deer in 39 states, four Cana­di­an provinces and has bagged more than 400 white­tails in his life­time. His areas of exper­tise include deer research, biol­o­gy, phys­i­ol­o­gy, man­age­ment, food plots and hunt­ing tac­tics. He hunts reg­u­lar­ly with rifles, shot­guns, muz­zle­load­ers, com­pound bows and crossbows.




DANIEL SCHMIDT — Host of Deer & Deer Hunting TV

Stage A - Sponsored by Whitetail Properties

Daniel Schmidt is a white­tail fanat­ic from Wis­con­sin who has worked for Deer & Deer Hunt­ing for 30 years. He is edi­­tor-in-chief of the mag­a­zine, host of the TV show on Pur­suit Chan­nel and host of the pop­u­lar Deer Talk Now pod­cast. The D&DH plat­form reach­es more than 6 mil­lion hard­core white­tail hunters. After working […]


DANIEL SCHMIDT — Host of Deer & Deer Hunting TV

Stage A - Sponsored by Whitetail Properties

Daniel Schmidt is a white­tail fanat­ic from Wis­con­sin who has worked for Deer & Deer Hunt­ing for 30 years. He is edi­­tor-in-chief of the mag­a­zine, host of the TV show on Pur­suit Chan­nel and host of the pop­u­lar Deer Talk Now pod­cast. The D&DH plat­form reach­es more than 6 mil­lion hard­core white­tail hunters. After working […]


DANIEL SCHMIDT — Host of Deer & Deer Hunting TV

Stage A - Sponsored by Whitetail Properties

Daniel Schmidt is a white­tail fanat­ic from Wis­con­sin who has worked for Deer & Deer Hunt­ing for 30 years. He is edi­­tor-in-chief of the mag­a­zine, host of the TV show on Pur­suit Chan­nel and host of the pop­u­lar Deer Talk Now pod­cast. The D&DH plat­form reach­es more than 6 mil­lion hard­core white­tail hunters. After working […]