Turkey Hunting
Expert & Call Maker
Appearing All 3 Days


Per­son­al Story

Dar­rell Mad­den was born on Novem­ber 15, 1960. It’s only fit­ting that he was born in Novem­ber, as this is the begin­ning of deer sea­son across North Car­oli­na. Dar­rell grew up in North Car­oli­na and soon, hunt­ing and fish­ing became a way of life. Being suc­cess­ful as a hunter comes from count­less hours of being in the field. Dar­rell has earned the rep­u­ta­tion of know­ing what it takes to bring in big game.

Pur­su­ing the Hunt
Dar­rell has trav­eled all over the North Amer­i­ca con­ti­nent chas­ing big game wher­ev­er he could. His pur­suits began out west hunt­ing in Col­orado and Wyoming for Mule Deer, Elk and Ante­lope. Dar­rell has also tak­en Moun­tain Lions, Black Bear, Mule Deer, Elk and Ante­lope in New Mex­i­co. Oth­er ani­mals he has tak­en in the Unit­ed States include White Tail Deer, Coy­ote, Bob­cats and Cari­bou. His expe­ri­ences in Texas brought in Axis, Fal­low Deer, Sheep, Black Buck, Aoudad and Wild Boar.

Dar­rell also spent time ear­ly in his hunt­ing career across the North­ern bor­der in Cana­da, hunt­ing pri­mar­i­ly Black Bear, Moose and Cari­bou in Ontario, British Colum­bia and Quebec.

Species and Records
— Moose, Cari­bou, Black Bear, Elk, Ante­lope, Moun­tain Lion, Turkeys, Exotics, count­less Mule Deer and White Tail Deer.
— NWTF records of 59 Grand Slams, 2 Roy­al Slams and 2 World Slams.
— Two of these birds are in the top five (5) in the world.
— All of the turkeys are record­ed in the NWTF records, with a total of 256 in the record book.
Shar­ing his love of hunt­ing with oth­ers Dar­rell loves the hunt­ing com­mu­ni­ty and lends his expe­ri­ence by teach­ing and shar­ing his knowl­edge in var­i­ous parts of the coun­try. He also guides hunters on turkey and white-tailed deer excursions.

— Ducks Unlimited
— NC Hunter Education
Oth­er career accomplishments
— Bass Pro Shops Region­al Pro Staff
— Sport shows in North Car­oli­na, South Car­oli­na, Vir­ginia, Geor­gia and Texas
— Kansas City Sports Talk Radio Shows
— Per­formed taxi­dermy for 40 years and cur­rent­ly taxi­dermy instruc­tor at Pied­mont Com­mu­ni­ty College.
— Owner/President of Slam­mer Series Turkey Calls.




DARRELL MADDEN — Turkey Calling 101

Stage A - Sponsored by Whitetail Properties

  Per­son­al Sto­ry Dar­rell Mad­den was born on Novem­ber 15, 1960. It’s only fit­ting that he was born in Novem­ber, as this is the begin­ning of deer sea­son across North Car­oli­na. Dar­rell grew up in North Car­oli­na and soon, hunt­ing and fish­ing became a way of life. Being suc­cess­ful as a hunter comes from count­less hours […]


DARRELL MADDEN — Turkey Calling 101

Stage A - Sponsored by Whitetail Properties

  Per­son­al Sto­ry Dar­rell Mad­den was born on Novem­ber 15, 1960. It’s only fit­ting that he was born in Novem­ber, as this is the begin­ning of deer sea­son across North Car­oli­na. Dar­rell grew up in North Car­oli­na and soon, hunt­ing and fish­ing became a way of life. Being suc­cess­ful as a hunter comes from count­less hours […]


DARRELL MADDEN — Turkey Hunting Tips

Stage B - Sponsored by Compeer Financial

  Per­son­al Sto­ry Dar­rell Mad­den was born on Novem­ber 15, 1960. It’s only fit­ting that he was born in Novem­ber, as this is the begin­ning of deer sea­son across North Car­oli­na. Dar­rell grew up in North Car­oli­na and soon, hunt­ing and fish­ing became a way of life. Being suc­cess­ful as a hunter comes from count­less hours […]


DARRELL MADDEN — Turkey Calling 101

Stage A - Sponsored by Whitetail Properties

  Per­son­al Sto­ry Dar­rell Mad­den was born on Novem­ber 15, 1960. It’s only fit­ting that he was born in Novem­ber, as this is the begin­ning of deer sea­son across North Car­oli­na. Dar­rell grew up in North Car­oli­na and soon, hunt­ing and fish­ing became a way of life. Being suc­cess­ful as a hunter comes from count­less hours […]