TV Hosts
Appearing on Saturday ONLY!

Don & Kan­di Kisky are two of the most well-known white­tail deer hunters in the out­door world. With over 50 years of com­bined expe­ri­ence pur­su­ing record-book white­tails in the Mid­west, Don and Kan­di are with­out ques­tion two of the country’s top white­tail strate­gists. The Kisky’s suc­cess didn’t hap­pen overnight. Their con­sis­tent per­for­mance year after year brought them to the top of their game. Their addic­tion to white­tail hunt­ing isn’t just a sea­son, it’s a dai­ly grind — plant­i­ng food plots, shed hunt­ing, check­ing trail cam­eras, log­ging hours behind a spot­ting scope, and
metic­u­lous­ly map­ping move­ments of tro­phy bucks.

The Kiskys are farm­ers, and this gives them a per­son­al con­nec­tion to the land and the ani­mals they pur­sue. With a bevy of Boone & Crock­ett bucks to their cred­it, includ­ing sev­er­al scor­ing in the 170s, 180s and 190s, and even a mon­ster that gross­es 213”. They have shared their great­est hunts with tele­vi­sion audi­ences and mag­a­zine read­ers for over three decades. Both are wide­ly rec­og­nized and high­ly respect­ed Pro Staffers for many of the top brands in the out­door indus­try. Their social media and high­ly rat­ed tele­vi­sion show White­tail Freaks edu­cates and entertains
white­tail enthu­si­asts all year long.