Year-Round Benefits of Food Plots

Jared was born in Iowa City, Iowa, and dis­cov­ered his pas­sion for the out­doors through trap­ping and fish­ing with his dad and Grand­pa. Sports took over most of his child­hood time but short­ly before high school, Jared became inter­est­ed in fig­ur­ing out the sport of bowhunt­ing. Through­out high school and col­lege, it slow­ly turned into his biggest pur­suit and, after earn­ing a sports busi­ness man­age­ment degree and play­ing base­ball for Maryville Uni­ver­si­ty, Jared accept­ed a job as a pro­duc­er in the out­door indus­try. Jared has since built a career around his pas­sions for bowhunt­ing and film­ing and con­tin­ues to share his pur­suits in the hopes of being a pos­i­tive influ­ence on out­doors­men and women across the coun­try. Jared lives in east­ern Iowa with his wife Jacky and daugh­ter Remi.




JARED MILLS — How & When to Hunt a Food Plot

Stage B - Sponsored by Compeer Financial

Jared was born in Iowa City, Iowa, and dis­cov­ered his pas­sion for the out­doors through trap­ping and fish­ing with his dad and Grand­pa. Sports took over most of his child­hood time but short­ly before high school, Jared became inter­est­ed in fig­ur­ing out the sport of bowhunt­ing. Through­out high school and col­lege, it slow­ly turned into […]


JARED MILLS — How & When to Hunt a Food Plot

Stage A - Sponsored by Whitetail Properties

Jared was born in Iowa City, Iowa, and dis­cov­ered his pas­sion for the out­doors through trap­ping and fish­ing with his dad and Grand­pa. Sports took over most of his child­hood time but short­ly before high school, Jared became inter­est­ed in fig­ur­ing out the sport of bowhunt­ing. Through­out high school and col­lege, it slow­ly turned into […]


JARED MILLS — How & When to Hunt a Food Plot

Stage A - Sponsored by Whitetail Properties

Jared was born in Iowa City, Iowa, and dis­cov­ered his pas­sion for the out­doors through trap­ping and fish­ing with his dad and Grand­pa. Sports took over most of his child­hood time but short­ly before high school, Jared became inter­est­ed in fig­ur­ing out the sport of bowhunt­ing. Through­out high school and col­lege, it slow­ly turned into […]