Jesse Koskiniemi

Jesse Koskiniemi

Tips & Tactics For Hunting Big Bears

Jesse Koskinie­mi has gained a wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence from over 30 yrs of bear hunt­ing that he’ll be shar­ing with you at the 2025 Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic. He’s been a fea­tured guest on an episode of “Quest for the One” with Bill Urseth, using his expe­ri­ence to help Urseth har­vest a bru­in for the pro­gram.  Jesse’s has served as a guide for numer­ous oth­er hunters to see them ful­fill their dreams of har­vest­ing a bear, and has per­son­al­ly tak­en 17 bears in Min­neso­ta, includ­ing the cur­rent MN state record black bear tak­en in Wade­na Coun­ty in 2017.

Spon­sored by Bear Scents

At the Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic, Jesse will be pre­sent­ing “Tips & Tac­tics for Hunt­ing Big Bears”.




JEESE KOSKINIEMI — Locating & Hunting Monster Bears

Stage B - Sponsored by Compeer Financial

Jesse Koskinie­mi has gained a wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence from over 30 yrs of bear hunt­ing that he’ll be shar­ing with you at the . He’s been a fea­tured guest on an episode of “Quest for the One” with Bill Urseth, using his expe­ri­ence to help Urseth har­vest a bru­in for the pro­gram.  Jesse’s has […]


JESSE KOSKINIEMI — Locating & Hunting Monster Bears

Stage B - Sponsored by Compeer Financial

  Jesse Koskinie­mi has gained a wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence from over 30 yrs of bear hunt­ing that he’ll be shar­ing with you at the . He’s been a fea­tured guest on an episode of “Quest for the One” with Bill Urseth, using his expe­ri­ence to help Urseth har­vest a bru­in for the pro­gram.  Jesse’s […]


JESSE KOSKINIEMI — Locating & Hunting Monster Bears

Stage B - Sponsored by Compeer Financial

Jesse Koskinie­mi has gained a wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence from over 30 yrs of bear hunt­ing that he’ll be shar­ing with you at the . He’s been a fea­tured guest on an episode of “Quest for the One” with Bill Urseth, using his expe­ri­ence to help Urseth har­vest a bru­in for the pro­gram.  Jesse’s has […]