Minnesota Deer & Turkey Classic Ticket Information

Save $2 off your reg­u­lar priced admis­sion to the Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic. Click here for details.


Tickets will be available for sale at the event March 14–15-16.

Tickets purchased at the event are CASH ONLY. No credit card sales.


TICKETING INFORMATION (Getting a rack scored too? Scroll down for details on combo pricing for scoring plus admission.)

Adult Entry: $12

Youth (Ages 10–15): $5

Chil­dren 9 years old and younger: FREE

  Mil­i­tary Dis­count: $10 Must present cur­rent mil­i­tary ID card

WAYS TO SAVE : Discounts cannot be combined with any other offers or coupons.

Save $2 off your reg­u­lar priced admis­sion to the Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic with a dis­count coupon you print at home and redeem at the door. Click here. 

Senior Dis­count Day is Fri­day, March 14. Age 65+ $10 admis­sion

Ladies Night is Fri­day, March 14. Free admis­sion for ladies of all ages from 3pm — 8pm.

Fam­i­ly Day is Sun­day, March 16. On Fam­i­ly Day, adult admis­sion is $8 when accom­pa­ny­ing a youth age 15 and younger. And kids (age 15 and younger) on Sun­day are free!

Out­door News Sub­scribers Can Save $2 off one reg­u­lar priced admis­sion when you clip your sub­scriber address label (locat­ed on the front of your cur­rent edi­tion) and bring it to the tick­et booth at the show. Note that dis­count offers or coupons can­not be combined!

Tick­ets pur­chased at the event are CASH ONLY. No cred­it card sales.
(ATMs are avail­able at Can­ter­bury Park)

Tick­et options for atten­dees with trophies/ cost for scor­ing If the own­er of a tro­phy rack intends to bring a rack or bear skull in for scor­ing and dis­play dur­ing the 2025 Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic, the fol­low­ing admis­sion prices apply:
3‑Day Admis­sion Pass for $20, which includes one free antler scor­ing and one entry into a spe­cial drawing.
2‑Day Admis­sion Pass (Sat­ur­day — Sun­day only) — $20 ‑Includes entry and one free antler scor­ing and one entry into spe­cial drawing.
1‑Day Admis­sion Pass — $15 — Includes entry and one tro­phy measured.
(Addi­tion­al tro­phies can be mea­sured for $5 each.) No dis­count coupons apply to these spe­cial scor­ing-relat­ed admis­sion offers.


Tickets will be available for sale at the event March 14–15-16.

Tick­ets pur­chased at the event are CASH ONLY. No cred­it card sales.
(ATMs are avail­able at Can­ter­bury Park)