Barry Wensel

Barry Wensel

LEGENDARY BOWHUNTER - Friday & Saturday only!

Author, Bar­ry Wensel, has been a “stu­dent of the white­tail” for over six­ty years. His whole life has evolved around hunt­ing and study­ing wild white­tail deer. He’s prob­a­bly spent as much phys­i­cal time and effort in the tim­ber as any­one alive today. When in the woods, being a self-pro­claimed lon­er, he’s also a “thinker” who was blessed with com­mon sense. Yes, a lot of these the­o­ries are per­son­al opin­ions, but they are opin­ions formed via tri­al and error with­in real white­tail habitats.

With all the high-tech­nol­o­gy in today’s world, it’s a breath of fresh air to be edu­cat­ed on the “not so com­mon knowl­edge” of white­tail deer, learned the old-fash­ion, nat­ur­al way via woods­man­ship skills and the prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion of those skills with boots on the ground.

Bar­ry wants to share his philoso­phies, strate­gies and hunt­ing tech­niques that have been so pro­duc­tive for him all these years. He WANTS you to suc­ceed in the deer woods. He hopes to plant the seed of adven­ture, to spark a burn­ing desire with­in your core. Then, he also wants you to share his new hunt­ing knowl­edge with our upcom­ing gen­er­a­tions, so that they too will have the oppor­tu­ni­ties to breathe fresh air, to live life clean, pure and nat­ur­al as God meant for us.

Bar­ry Wensel’s New Book will be for sale at the show!