Jeff Fredrick

Jeff Fredrick

Aggressive Turkey Calling Techniques

Jeff hunt­ed his first wild gob­bler in 1987, a year lat­er he had entered and won his first turkey call­ing con­test. From there he moved up through the ranks and dom­i­nat­ed the Wis­con­sin State com­pe­ti­tion, win­ning 12 times since his first cham­pi­onship in 1994.

He won the Iowa state in 1998 and 2004, the Mid­west Open in 1996 & 97. Jef­f’s call­ing career explod­ed in 2005 when he won the Mid-Amer­i­ca Open in St. Louis and won the Chicagoland Thun­derin’ Open.

Jeff has com­pet­ed in the NWTF Grand Nation­als 12 times since 1994 with 3 top 12 fin­ish­es. Retir­ing from con­test call­ing in 2010 has allowed Jeff to spend more time with his young fam­i­ly and hunt­ing his property.

Jeff has been build­ing his own calls since 1995. Over the years, word has spread about the high qual­i­ty of Jef­f’s calls, also known as the Cham­pi­on’s Choice line of calls. In 2013, Jeff devel­oped a web­site that enabled him to take online orders for calls. What began as a hob­by has devel­oped into a suc­cess­ful small busi­ness. He is known to draw a crowd at sport shows and sem­i­nars due to his supe­ri­or call­ing and his hunt­ing expertise.

At the Min­neso­ta Deer & Turkey Clas­sic, Jeff will be pre­sent­ing “Aggres­sive Turkey Call­ing”.