Mike Dukart

Mike Dukart

Founder of The Deer Society Rattling & Calling Whitetails

When it comes to the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment of North Amer­i­ca, very few peo­ple have been as close to it as Mike Dukart. An entre­pre­neur and for­mer U.S. Marine, Dukart has spent more than two decades mak­ing his liv­ing off his love for the outdoors.

Mike start­ed his career in the out­doors as a water­fowl out­fit­ter. He com­pet­ed in State, Nation­al and World Call­ing Com­pe­ti­tions across the US and has cre­at­ed over a dozen com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems for mul­ti­ple species of water­fowl, turkey and most recent­ly deer.

Each sys­tem takes an aver­age of 4 years to devel­op. Mike stud­ies an animal’s behav­ior & vocab­u­lary as he designs a unique game call for each species. This infor­ma­tion is doc­u­ment­ed and com­bined with each call cre­at­ing a com­plete com­mu­ni­ca­tion system.

Mike start­ed his first of four com­pa­nies, Illu­sion Game Call Sys­tems, near­ly two decades ago and has three util­i­ty patents to his cred­it along with count­less copy­writes and trade­marks. More recent­ly Mike Found­ed “The Deer Soci­ety”, a viral infor­ma­tion­al deer hunt­ing plat­form. The Deer Soci­ety reach­es mil­lions of view­ers each year through tele­vi­sion, inter­net and social media. The Deer Soci­ety received over 30 mil­lion online video views in its first two years alone.

At the Out­door News Deer and Turkey Clas­sic, Mike will be pre­sent­ing “Rat­tling and Call­ing White­tails”.