2019 Deer & Turkey Classic Headliner<br>Tom Miranda

2019 Deer & Turkey Classic Headliner
Tom Miranda

Adventure Bowhunter

Tom Miran­da
Adven­ture Bowhunter

Tele­vi­sion pro­duc­er, host, trap­per and adven­ture bowhunter Tom Miran­da is no stranger to out­doors­men. In the mid 1980s Miran­da gained noto­ri­ety as a pro­fes­sion­al trap­per who offered trap­ping lessons on VHS video. Miran­da was a pilot and used his small air­plane to oper­ate his trapline, a nov­el­ty that made his video instruc­tions pop­u­lar. Also a bowhunter, Miran­da began mak­ing hunt­ing videos and by 1992 had his own adven­ture TV series on ESPN. Self taught in TV pro­duc­tion, Miran­da would hire a free­lance cam­era­man to tape his adven­tures then write, pro­duce and edit the pro­grams him­self.  Tom soon became know on ESPN as the crazy bowhunter who would do any­thing as his adven­ture show fea­tured adren­a­line stunts like sky div­ing, bull rid­ing and bungie jumping.….along with his bowhunting.

In 2011 when Miran­da com­plet­ed his 13 year quest to cap­ture the archery Super Slam on video, SCI Record Book offi­cials con­tact­ed Tom about his hunt­ing accom­plish­ments. With over 20 years of pro­duc­ing TV bow hunts, Miran­da had been scour­ing the globe bowhunt­ing big game and SCI knew it. A list of species was gen­er­at­ed and with some quick fact check­ing, Safari Club deter­mined that Miran­da was very close to accom­plish­ing the World Hunt­ing Award. After some dis­cus­sion and plan­ning, Miran­da had his mounts scored, entered them to SCI and set out to fill the specie gaps in his bowhunt­ing col­lec­tion.  In the last five years, Miran­da has went full draw on over 50 big game ani­mals on five con­ti­nents to com­plete and receive his World Hunt­ing Award ring.

SCIs World Hunt­ing Award is a pres­ti­gious mile­stone, espe­cial­ly for bowhunters. To date only five archers have qual­i­fied.. Archie Nes­bitt, Gary Bogn­er, Byron Sad­dler,Ricar­do Lon­go­riaand Tom Miranda.

Unique to Miran­da is the fact that Tom has also cap­tured all of his World Hunt­ing Award species on video, com­plete with the arrow impacts. A feat that attests to Miran­das ded­i­ca­tion to his craft as a tele­vi­sion pro­duc­er, host and bowhunter. Miran­das lat­est DVD series Adven­ture Bowhunter Dark Con­ti­nent chron­i­cles Toms SCI Ani­mals of Africa archery milestone.

More infor­ma­tion on Tom is avail­able on Wikipedia or his web­site.